Histological evaluation of a chronically-implanted electrocorticographic electrode grid in a non-human primate.
Degenhart AD*, Eles J*, Dum R, Mischel JL, Smalianchuk I, Endler B, Ashmore RC, Tyler-Kabara EC, Hatsopoulos NG, Wang W**, Batista AP**, Cui XT**.
J Neural Eng. 2016 Aug;13(4):046019.
*denotes equal contributions
**denotes joint corresponding authors

Extracellular voltage threshold settings can be tuned for optimal encoding of movement and stimulus parameters.
Oby ER, Perel S, Sadtler PT, Ruff DA, Mischel JL, Montez DF, Cohen MR, Batista AP*, Chase SM*.
J Neural Eng. 2016 Jun;13(3):036009.
*denotes equal contributions

Brain-computer interface control along instructed paths.
Sadtler PT, Ryu SI, Tyler-Kabara EC, Yu BM, Batista AP.
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To sort or not to sort: the impact of spike-sorting on neural decoding performance.
Todorova S, Sadtler P, Batista A, Chase S, Ventura V.
J Neural Eng. 2014 Oct;11(5):056005.

Comparing temporal aspects of visual, tactile, and microstimulation feedback for motor control.
Godlove JM, Whaite EO, Batista AP.
J Neural Eng. 2014 Aug;11(4):046025.